Community Cemetery

The cemetery in Osler is operated and maintained by Osler Mennonite Church. This cemetery has been in use since 1928 and has been well maintained to provide a beautiful and peaceful setting for remembering those who have passed on and have been buried there. Details about the cemetery, including a list of those interred there, are available from the Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan.

Cemetery Maintenance and Improvements

We strive to continue maintaining and beautifying the cemetery in a  way that allows the memory of those buried there to endure.  Over the years, the Trustees Committee of Osler Mennonite Church, supported by the Church Council has developed and carried out plans to further beautify the cemetery and make it easier to maintain. The use of grave covers has been discontinued and  ribbons of cement were poured everywhere. This provides a solid base on which headstones can be mounted, and makes the cemetery easier to maintain. If you wish to support continuing improvements of the cemetery with a donation, please make cheques payable to Osler Mennonite Church and mark them as being for the “Cemetery Improvement Project”. They can be mailed to the church office.  For inquires about the rates of Burial Permits please call the church office directly. We encourage you to visit the cemetery and arrange for permanent markers for any family members buried there if they aren’t already in place.