Rental Rates

Our rental rates depend on the applicant’s relationship to our church. For instance, for a wedding the “applicant” would be one of the betrothed parties, while for a funeral the “applicant” would be the deceased person.

When do Member rates apply?

For Member rates to apply, the applicant must be a Member / Adherent of OMC.  Adherents for the purposes of this application are those who consider OMC as their home church and attend on a regular basis.  The applicant must be present at all times during the reserved usage of the Church and will ensure that the event is confined to the facilities booked. If that is not possible, then Third-Party rates apply. For third-party events, a custodian or appointed representative will be present at all times during the reserved usage of the church.

Members / Adherents of OMC may be eligible to use the church facilities, free of charge, for small personal events.


Note that all of the following rates are subject to change and may be adjusted based on specific requests made for your event.

Fees are all based on 8 hours usage. $100/hour after that.

Member Third-Party
Sanctuary Only $150 $200
Kitchen Only $100 $250
* Multi-purpose Only $100 $250
* Multi-purpose & Kitchen $200 $450
Sanctuary & Multi-purpose & Kitchen $300 $600
Setup/Take down of tables chairs (<100 people) N/A $150
Setup/Take down of tables chairs (>100 people) N/A $275
Classrooms Sun – Fri usage: No fee
Saturday usage: $50/room
Table clothes – to be returned washed No fee N/A
Table cloths $2/table N/A
Pastor – Wedding (recommended min.) $200 $200
Pastor – Funeral (recommended min.) $200 $200
Sound Technician (per Wedding/Funeral/single event) $75 $75
Sound Technician (rehearsal or set-up) $75 $75
Pianist (per Wedding/Funeral/single event) $75 $75
Pianist (rehearsal) $75 $75
**Damage Deposit (per Wedding/single event) $200 $200

* Multi-purpose room charges include decorating, set up time and use of fridges the evening prior to the event (2 hours). If the Multi-purpose room and / or kitchen will be used for more than 2 hours on the day prior to the event, a second day rental will be charged.

** Separate cheque to be dated for the day of the event. Damage deposits will be returned if no extra clean-up is required and there is no damage to the facilities.